US 1,730 Top Colleges Database: Address, Global Rank, Subject, Tel.
1,730 America colleges: city, overview, type, address, telephone, score with academic, apply, general rank, subject, etc.
Description: This is a most comprehensive database of the America colleges evaluation and ranking information over 51 states. It contains 1,730 colleges with city, overview, description, school type, year founded, religious affiliation, academic calendar, setting, year 2016 endowment, address, telephone, overall score and total score in each.
From the whole database, there are 1,622 college academic records and details; 1,622 college apply records with tuition, room and board, total enrollment, application deadline, application fee, acceptance rate and description in each; 4,795 college general rank records with rank, remark, rank project in each; 169 college global records with global rank, address, website, description in each and details, indicator, subject; 599 college grad records with description, rank, subject and subject slug; 1,727 college indicator records with description and detail; 1,244 college online records with rank, remark, rank project in each and class size, gender detail, project, project detail, rank detail, retention rate, tuition; 1,206 college paying records with description and detail; college safety with 10,379 records and detail; 1,730 college services with description, detail and detail value; 1,730 college student life records with total enrollment, live on campus, athletic association, description in each and detail, campus, gender, value; 1,616 descriptions and 7,950 details of grad subject with information, student and tuition. It also comes with 19,011 college images in the US colleges database. It includes 2.82G college images in the media file.
It totally has 61 tables in this whole the United States colleges information and ranking database.
Data Samples (JSON, CSV, XML, Excel):
Database Statistics
- Size: 181.30 MB
- Tables: 61
- Records: 1,730
- Formats: MySQL, CSV, MS Excel, MS Access, XML (See Downloads for sure.)
Database Categories
Images Statistics
- Images: 2.82G
- Dimensions: 500 x 330 on average
- Image formats: JPEG
- Images count: 19011
- Reference field: college_image.path
Database Structure
Table | Records | Fields |
state | 51 |
college | 1,730 |
state_x_college | 1,730 |
college_academic | 1,622 |
college_academic_detail | 6,484 |
college_academic_detail_2 | 19,452 |
college_academic_detail_3 | 17,818 |
college_academic_detail_3s | 4,863 |
college_apply | 1,622 |
college_apply_detail | 8,110 |
college_apply_detail_2 | 47,038 |
college_general_rank | 4,795 |
college_global | 169 |
college_global_detail | 1,823 |
college_global_indicator | 2,324 |
college_global_subject | 1,626 |
college_global_subject_detail | 19,512 |
college_grad | 599 |
college_grad_rank | 8,250 |
college_grad_subject | 3,077 |
college_grad_subject_slug | 3,078 |
college_grad_sub_subject | 13,060 |
college_image | 19,011 |
college_image_slug | 19,011 |
college_indicator | 1,727 |
college_indicator_detail | 20,723 |
college_indicator_detail_2 | 12,089 |
college_online | 1,244 |
college_online_class_size | 4,564 |
college_online_gender_detail | 705 |
college_online_project | 764 |
college_online_project_detail | 3,765 |
college_online_project_detail_2 | 25,421 |
college_online_project_detail_3 | 131,300 |
college_online_rank_detail | 5,193 |
college_online_retention_rate | 2,392 |
college_online_tuition | 3,056 |
college_paying | 1,206 |
college_paying_detail | 6,900 |
college_paying_detail_2 | 17,827 |
college_safety | 10,379 |
college_safety_detail | 83,027 |
college_service | 1,730 |
college_service_detail | 12,096 |
college_service_detail_2 | 10,368 |
college_service_detail_2s | 10,368 |
college_service_detail_value | 54,717 |
college_student_life | 1,730 |
college_student_life_detail | 6,920 |
college_student_life_detail_2 | 17,641 |
college_student_life_detail_2s | 4,849 |
college_student_life_detail_compus | 3,460 |
college_student_life_detail_gender | 1,389 |
college_student_life_detail_value | 6,554 |
grad_subject_description | 1,616 |
grad_subject_detail | 7,950 |
grad_subject_detail_2 | 23,708 |
grad_subject_detail_2s | 4,398 |
grad_subject_information | 7,126 |
grad_subject_student | 2,096 |
grad_subject_tuition | 1,931 |
Database Attachments
Images: This database is attached with 19011 images. See them under the Attachments tab.
Content Scope
Below are the categories / subjects / topics this database contains record entries about and the number of entries under each of them:
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- D.C.
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Lifetime Updates (fees may apply)
This database is being constantly updated with regards to both data volume and data structure, once every 0.5 - 5 years depending on niche, and you will be notified via our Blog or Twitter when new versions come out.
Other Formats upon Request
We include the most common, popular and usable formats readily accessible on the download page, but should you need the database in other formats such as:
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition
- Oracle
- PostgreSQL
- Interbase / Firebird
- WordPress
- Single Table (multiple tables are combined into one)
- Microsoft Word .DOC
Let us know and we'll see what we can do. Additional fees may apply.